MIT-Adobe FiveK dataset

MIT-Adobe FiveK Dataset:MIT-Adobe美学增强数据集1
#Image enhancement
- 发布者:MIT CSAIL & Adobe Systems Inc.
- 发布日期:2011
- 样本数:5000
- 分辨率:不固定(RAW)
- 证书:LicenseAdobe, LicenseAdobeMIT
“We collected 5,000 photographs taken with SLR cameras by a set of different photographers. They are all in RAW format; that is, all the information recorded by the camera sensor is preserved. We made sure that these photographs cover a broad range of scenes, subjects, and lighting conditions. We then hired five photography students in an art school to adjust the tone of the photos. Each of them retouched all the 5,000 photos using a software dedicated to photo adjustment (Adobe Lightroom) on which they were extensively trained. We asked the retouchers to achieve visually pleasing renditions, akin to a postcard. The retouchers were compensated for their work.”
- 图片格式为PNG(可通过DCRAW、Adobe lightroom或其他图像工具读取),调色后的图片保存为TIFF格式
- 提供5位后期专家Adobe Lightroom catalog文件,即包含了5位专家对每张图片的调色记录和各参数值
- 提供每张图片的语义信息标注(室内/室外、拍摄时段、光线、拍摄主题等)
Bychkovsky, V., Sylvain Paris, E. Chan and F. Durand. Learning photographic global tonal adjustment with a database of input/output image pairs. [CVPR'11] ↩︎